FUPC Calendar

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Prayers of the People - September 23 - 29, 2007

Thanks and Praise

Our retreat at Toah Nipi next weekend offers a respite from our usual routines and concerns, and a time to seek and enjoy God in the beauty of his creation. Pray for those who are leading this retreat, and for all who are coming. Are you one of them?

We were blessed to have one of our missionaries, Jason Carpenter, with us last Sunday. Jason and his wife Linda have finished their teaching work in the Nuba Mountain region of Sudan, and are starting in a new assignment in Uganda, East Africa. The Carpenters generously gave to our church all the household goods they had stored here in the U.S., to be sold to benefit our Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School. Please pray for them and their 3 children as they follow Christ into this new field of service.

During the summer our church received the unexpected gift of a gently-used baby grand piano, now in our sanctuary. Since then, the moving expenses - also unexpected - of $1,000 have been met, thanks to the contributions of several people. We praise God for all these good gifts.

Needs and Concerns

Matt's mother, Eleanor, died September 10 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a long illness. May Matt and Marge and their family be comforted by their hope in Christ.

Several pastors and other clergy in our Presbytery have experienced the death of one or more family members in recent months: Rev. Rod MacDonald, Rev. Wayne Parrish, Rev. Sally Newhall, Rev. Rodney Petersen, Rev. Jean Southard, Rev. Karl Gustafson, Rev. Kevin Ford. Please pray for them as they grieve, entrusting their loved ones to the Lord.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


OUR CHURCH FAMILY RETREAT is coming up next weekend! We have the weekend of September 28-30 reserved at beautiful Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. With the dazzling autumn foliage as a backdrop, we'll be asking God to teach us about "seasons" in our own lives, and how we might cooperate with him in those seasons of growth, stability, dryness, discovery, and more. Our speaker will be Scott Walker of the Threshold Project in Jamaica Plain. Childcare will be provided. Please take one of the information sheets on the back table, and sign the poster in the hallway. We hope to have 20 to 25 people going.

THINKING OF MEMBERSHIP? Pastor Bart plans to begin a four-to-five-week Inquirers Class on Sunday, October 7, for those considering joining this church. Please speak to him to an Elder if you're interested.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

Photo of Toah Nipi taken from a happy retreater's page at Flickr

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grand Sweep Readings for Sept 17 - 23

Pastor Bart has been leading our church through a "Grand Sweep" of the Bible, as we read God's holy word, in order, from Genesis through Revelation.

Next week's sermon will be on Revelation. Please spend some time reading and reflecting on this book during the week, in preparation for next Sunday.

Photo of Arthur Sweeping was nicked from this website.

Announcements for September 17 - 23

Thanks and Praise

We're grateful for the presence of one of our missionaries today. Jason Carpenter is with us, who, with his wife Linda, carries on a teaching ministry in the Nuba Mountain region of Sudan, East Africa. They have been blessed with a third child, Sam Eric, born August 15.

During the summer our church received the unexpected gift of a gently-used baby grand piano, now in our sanctuary. Since then, the moving expenses - also unexpected - of $1,000 have been met, thanks to the contributions of several people. We praise God for all these good gifts.

Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School started the year on Monday with 13 new children. By the end of October, there will be at least 16. Thank God for them all, and for the teachers: Trudie, Michelle, and Marie.

Needs and Concerns

Matt's mother, Eleanor, died September 10 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a long illness. May Matt and Marge and their family be comforted by their hope in Christ.

Several pastors and other clergy in our Presbytery have experienced the death of one or more family members in recent months: Rev. Rod MacDonald, Rev. Wayne Parrish, Rev. Sally Newhall, Rev. Rodney Petersen, Rev. Jean Southard, Rev. Karl Gustafson. Please pray for them as they grieve, entrusting their loved ones to the Lord.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


is coming up soon! We have the weekend of September 28-30 reserved at beautiful Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. With the dazzling autumn foliage as a backdrop, we'll be asking God to teach us about "seasons" in our own lives, and how we might cooperate with him in those seasons of growth, stability, dryness, discovery, and more. Our speaker will be Scott Walker of the Threshold Project in Jamaica Plain. Childcare will be provided. Please take one of the information sheets on the back table, and sign the poster in the hallway. We hope to have 20 to 25 people going.

THINKING OF MEMBERSHIP? Pastor Bart plans to begin a four-to-five-week Inquirers Class on Sunday, October 7, for those considering joining this church. Please speak to him (or email Pastor@CambridgePres.com), or ask an Elder if you're interested.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

HOMECOMING PICNIC: Please join us for a potluck this Sunday (9/16), starting at noon on the church lawn. This is an excellent opportunity to fellowship with old friends and meet newcomers. A sign-up sheet for food contributions is posted by the front door.

Image of Sudanese woman is from the website of CHF International

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Announcements for September 8 - 16

Thanks and Praise

Little Folks Fellowship starts the year tomorrow with 13 new children. By the end of October, there will be at least 16. Thank God for them all, and for the teachers.

Jason and Linda, missionaries whom we support in Sudan, joyfully announce the August 15 birth of their third child, Sam Eric. Praise God for this new life!

Wren and her husband Don have just moved into a beautiful 1920's house in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Tired, yet relieved, they're grateful to God for their new home.

Needs and Concerns

Louise Gustafson, the mother of Rev. Karl Gustafson, Pastor of Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church in Somerville, died last week in New Mexico. Pray for Karl and his family, as they release her to the Lord.

The deaths of the two veteran firefighters in the West Roxbury fire has been felt throughout that fellowship and beyond. Pray for their families, and for all the brave men and women who serve and protect us in times of danger.

John, our own Cambridge firefighter and longtime member of this church, requests prayer for healing for his 89-year-old Aunt Tillie, hospitalized in Fort Pierce, Florida with multiple fractures due to a fall. John, her only relative, also seeks the Lord's wisdom for next-of-kin medical decisions.

The deaths of over 500 innocent civilians in Northern Iraq bear witness to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


OUR CHURCH FAMILY RETREAT is coming up soon! We have the weekend of September 28-30 reserved at beautiful Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. With the dazzling autumn foliage as a backdrop, we'll be asking God to teach us about "seasons" in our own lives, and how we might cooperate with him in those seasons of growth, stability, dryness, discovery, and more. Our speaker will be Scott Walker of the Threshold Project in Jamaica Plain. Childcare will be provided. Please take one of the information sheets on the back table, and sign the poster in the hallway. We must have 20 to 25 people for this retreat to go forward.

CALLING ALL VOICES! If you enjoy praising God in song, please join our Music Director, Felicia Brady, and others for the first CHOIR REHEARSAL this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. here at the church.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

HOMECOMING PICNIC: Please join us for a potluck next Sunday, Sept. 16, starting at noon on the church lawn. This is an excellent opportunity to fellowship with old friends and meet newcomers. A sign-up sheet for food contributions is posted by the front door.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S UPDATE: We were blessed with a donation of a baby grand piano this summer. For $1000, piano movers brought the piano into our sanctuary, moved the previous sanctuary piano downstairs, and disposed of the basement upright piano. This was not
a budgeted item. The congregation has contributed $785 toward this welcome but unexpected expense. Let's close the gap. If you can contribute to the expense of the piano, above your regular giving, please write a check to the church, and write "Piano movers" on the memo line.

Photo of the 1909 Orange County Lutheran Church Picnic is from http://content.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt9v19p87b/

Friday, September 7, 2007

Grand Sweep Readings for Sept 9 - 16

Pastor Bart has been leading our church through a "Grand Sweep" of the Bible, as we read God's holy word, in order, from Genesis through Revelations.

Next week's sermon will be on 1 Peter through Jude. Please spend some time reading and reflecting on these chapters during the week, in preparation for next Sunday.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yard Sale!

Bring your cash and get ready to browse!

This Saturday September 8, from 8am until 1pm, there will be a gigantic YARD SALE in the front yard of First United Presbyterian Church, 1418 Cambridge Street!

The proceeds will support the church's Little Folks Fellowship nursery school, which is an affordable and loving service the church provides to the community for 35 years.

Even if you don't need to buy anything, feel free to drop in and greet our neighbors from in and around Inman Square.

See you there!

Plus, mark your calendars for the FUPC's first Craft Fair, which will take place in the FUPC front yard on September 22 from 9am - 3pm (rain date is September 29).

This extravaganza of local artists' work will feature hand-painted shoes, funky onesies for baby, stained-glass jewelry, crocheted skirts and handbags, clothing for young girls, handmade notecards and stationary, handpainted murals, and more!
Macrame owls may not actually make the cut, however (sorry).

There will also be a silent auction to benefit Little Folks Fellowship (see above).

Spruce up your home, help out the church's nursery school,
and support local artists all in one visit!

For more information, please contact Mara at MaraBradfordDesigns@gmail.com