FUPC Calendar

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Upcoming Presbytery Events

Safe Child Policy Event

Still not have a Safe Child Policy? Or wonder if it is up to date? Or need help implementing it? After a flurry of requests for help after the Trustees requested a copy of
each church's Safe Child Policy, we have scheduled a Saturday morning workshop to help you. This is for: Pastors, Christian Ed folk, Elders, Youth leaders and Trustees.

At this workshop there will be a major presentation by a trained representative of Guide One (the Presbytery's insurance company). There will be sample Safe Child Policies for you to examine and discuss. And there will be time to ask questions of the Trustees of the Presbytery about the need and implementation of this policy.

When? Saturday, April 19.
Where? Needham Presbyterian Church
Time? 9 AM until 12:30 PM
Cost? None
Registration: Let Sally Newhall know (so we know how many to expect) at 508 853 5439 or revnewhall@aol.com

Spirituality and Stewardship Event
Has your church got a team of folks coming to the foremost stewardship event in the continental US? It will be right in our neck of the woods in Worcester. This is an ecumenical event which we have had a big hand in planning. The date is coming up fast (April 4-5) and only a few of you have signed up. The registration deadline has been extended so it's not too late! You can sign up for either Saturday or Friday or both! East Boston Fund Leadership and Education Scholarships are available. For more information and registration: go online to www.umfne.org and click on the link for the Spirituality & Stewardship Event. If you can't get online easily (or even if you can and just want to talk
to a person) call Sally Newhall at 508 853 5439 for more information.

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