FUPC Calendar

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Prayers of the People - November 25 - December 1, 2007


Thanks and Praise

"Words alone can't fully express our gratitude to you and to the Lord for all the delights of our recent Poetry Night. The poems - many of them your own creations - the presents, the laughter, the sumptuous food, the singing, the hospitality, and other expressions of love, were all such precious gifts, as you yourselves are to us. Our cup runneth over!"
Love in Christ, Bart and Priscilla

Autumn's vivid colors are still with us! Praise the Lord who made "all things bright and beautiful," and let's get outdoors to revel in Creation's stunning colors while we can.

Needs and Concerns

Pray for all those who are separated from loved ones at this time due to war, hospitalization, imprisonment or financial hardship, that they may be comforted by God through someone's act or word of caring.

On November 15, Cyclone Sidr hit southern Bangladesh with a high tidal surge and winds of 155 miles per hour. How many thousands are dead, homeless, or missing is still not known, but Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is on the scene, working with Action by Churches Together (ACT). Pray for these ministries, and for all who need relief and hope.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


will be held today after Sunday School, to celebrate JOAN SHEPPARD's life and to dedicate a garden bench in her memory. We will gather in the churchyard at 12:30.

"THINKING OF YOUR KINDNESS, and sending you many thanks: Hello, Everyone. I just wanted to take a minute and say Thanks to all of you for your support, prayers and presence at my first sermon on the 28th [of October]. Many Blessings to you all!!!" - text of an eCard from our Intern Rachel Freeman

PHOTOS OF FALL RETREAT: Last September, our church held a retreat on "The Seasons of Our Lives," at Toah Nipi in New Hampshire. Pictures of that gathering are on the bulletin board in the side room.

WANTED: Old photos and memorabilia of our pastor's -- and church's --past 25 years. Items will be displayed at Rev. Kelso's retirement dinner Dec. 2. Beverly will organize the display of these materials for the dinner.

AN APPEAL FROM THE DEACONS: As we have in Christmases past, the Deacons are sponsoring a collection of needed items for the Cambridge Mothers' and Children's Shelter. Please bring any of the following before December 17 and leave them in the side room: twin mattress covers, bassinette and crib sheets, bath towels, paper towels and baby products.

CAN YOU HELP? After the 3:00 p.m. "Silver Celebration" service honoring the Kelsos on December 2, there will be a cookie and punch reception in the side room for those attending. Please contact Beverly (jbshank@rcn.com or 781-861-8015) if you can bake or serve.

Image of children in Cambodia thanking God is from the webpage describing outreach to orphans at Warm Blankets.

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