FUPC Calendar

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Deacons' Meeting Minutes from 4/24/2007 Gathering

As a way to keep the congregation informed, we, the deacons, have decided to post those aspects of our meeting minutes which we feel are of special relevance to our church's community. Here are some highlights from the most recent deacons' meeting:

Prayer Requests and Thanksgiving

a. Ruth Ball-recovering from surgery
b. Glenda and Loran Wallace-thanksgiving for selling of condo
c. Liz Planansky-radiation treatment beginning 4/25-11/09
d. Beverly Shank’s mother moving in with her and John on Memorial Day-prayers for
smooth transition and enjoyable time together
e. Beverly’s niece finishing freshman year of college-thanksgiving and prayer for strong finish

Diaper Drive

a. Felicia Brady and Sam Houston took donations to Women's and Children's YWCA Shelter.
They were very appreciative!!

Pastor Bart Kelso's "Taking the Pulse" Community Gatherings

a. Plans on having two gatherings after the annual meeting (6/2) in Lynn and Arlington

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