FUPC Calendar

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Prayers of the People - May 6-12, 2007

Thanks and Praise

Today we give thanks to God for Peter Honan, who died three years ago tomorrow. We remember Peter for his service to the church, for his good-natured friendship, and for the life he now enjoys in Jesus' presence.

Isaiah left for Cameroon on Friday for a visit with his mother and many other relatives. Ask God to richly bless Isaiah's visit, and to keep the family in his care.

Esther reports that her mother Elizabeth is now out of the rehabilitation hospital and will soon be returning home to Cameroon. Praise God for healing and strengthening her.

Pastor Bart spoke to a Pastoral Ministry class at Boston University School of Theology last Tuesday afternoon on the topic "Pastoral Self-Care: Nurturing the Care-Giver." It was well-received. Pray for those 35 "ministers-in-the-making," many of whom are about to have their first ordained ministry experience.

Needs and Concerns

Ruth will require further surgery tomorrow, related to her recent hip replacement. Ask the Lord to guide the medical team, and to grant Ruth His peace.

Violence continues against helpless civilians in Darfur. Pray to God to empower those who are actively seeking to intervene on their behalf, and for the aid workers, as well as for those being oppressed.


From Pastor Bart: Many, many thanks to all of you who were able to come to my 65th birthday party at our home recently, and for all your kind wishes, presents and cards. I especially appreciated the church's collective gift certificate to White Flower Farm in Connecticut. I look forward to expanding and beautifying my backyard garden with many new perennials!

"Iron Sharpens Iron:" Men, do you have an area in your life that needs to be sharpened? This Saturday, May 12, a special men's conference is being offered at Grace Chapel in Lexington. Click on the link, and see if this is for you. If so, register here.

Save the Date: Saturday, June 2. That's when we'll gather downstairs for our annual Congregational and Corporation Meetings, beginning at 3:00 pm, with a break for a light supper (provided), and finishing by early evening. Attendance is expected of all church members. Others are welcome to attend. These meetings, at which we elect church officers, vote on our budget, and set goals and priorities, are all the more important during this, a transitional year. Please mark your calendars now.

A "Diaper Drive" is underway, sponsored by our Deacons, to benefit the women's and children's shelter of the Cambridge YWCA. Diapers of all sizes, baby-care products, and care items for moms are needed. Twin bed sheets and crib sheets are also especially welcome. Please contribute what you can between now and Mother's Day, May 13.

Thanks to Liz for her hard work and new plantings in the church garden. The next item that needs attention is the church lawn: would YOU be willing to mow our small lawn? Please talk to Ben (Trustees@CambridgePres.com) or to Betty (edandbetty86@yahoo.com).

TEENS: Thinking about a summer job? You can grow in your faith, help others do the same, and earn $150 a week as a counselor at Camp Wilmot, our Presbyterian camp in New Hampshire. Contact Jlene Root at 603-594-0224.

Photo of squirrel is from Mikeworld's collection at Flickr

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