FUPC Calendar

Sunday, December 16, 2007

No Sunday Service - December 16, 2007

Due to the continuing snowfall this morning,
the Sunday service for December 16 has been cancelled.

Please stay warm and enjoy your snowy Sunday!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Silver Celebration Poem

Following is the text of the poem composed by Priscilla Lasmarias Kelso, and read by her daughter Rachel on the occasion of the Silver Celebration service. This special service was held at First United Presbyterian Church on December 2, 2007 to celebrate 25 years of service from the Rev. Barton Kelso and Priscilla Kelso.

As Mrs. Kelso describes it, her poem "...reflects some of the highlights of the 25 years that Bart and I have shared with our Cambridge Presbyterian Church family."

Thanks for sharing this with us, Priscilla. Praise God for your gifts with language!


“I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you,

Plans to give you a future and a hope,” says God, the promise-maker.

Little did we know -- Bart and I -- in 1982, that the weaving of our lives

Into the fabric of this community of faith would span

Twenty-five years of living, loving, growing.

This is the art of blessing the years.

We were 40 years old then, and Cambridge Presbyterian Church was 90,

The remnant band of believers welcomed us --- some of them still here,

Others surrounding us now ---- as part of that cloud of witnesses

Who cheer us on to the finish line ---- with oil to soothe our weary feet

And arms to hold us when the race is done.

This is the art of blessing the years.

Twenty-five World Communion Sundays. Dressed in resplendent garb,

People from many nations have gathered here -----

Ghana, Cameroon, Australia, Korea, Madagascar, Brazil, the Philippines ---

Tourists, immigrants, visiting scholars, friends from afar ---

Presbyterians, citizens of the world, sojourners, pilgrims --- God’s children.

This is the art of blessing the years.

In the 25 years of gathering and scattering, of leaving and cleaving,

The Cambridge diaspora has spread out across the land, across the world..

In the Centennial Year of 1992, the map of the world showed us

That only the continent of Antarctica had no one who had set foot on this church,

This tiny place in Inman Square that spans the globe.

This is the art of blessing the years.

Eighty –six sermon series that Bart has produced from this pulpit,

Untold hours of preparation, delivered on countless Sundays.

Was it C.S. Lewis who said that sermons, like meals,

Though not always spectacular or extraordinary,

Are meant to nourish us, as bread for the journey, as water for our souls?

This is the art of blessing the years.

The poet reminds us that the art of blessing is to pay attention,

To taste the bitter and the sweet, the salty and the sour,

And to be glad for what does not hurt.

So we are here today to remember the years,

To honor the presence of God who has been here in the good and the hard times.

The good times –- baptisms, weddings, new members, a roof that no longer leaks.

The hard times –- too many goodbyes, the death of the faithful, many moving on.

We have persevered –- in the unbroken circle of birth and burial,

We have comforted one another, welcomed one another,

Grown through the years with one another –--cried, laughed, celebrated, prayed.

So on this Silver Celebration this second day of December, 2007

We gather --- friends, colleagues, neighbors, members of this faith community:

Each one bearing the marks of time, the tender mercies of God,

We remember –- the promise of plans for a future and a hope.

So let us sing the joyous possibilities, the many surprises of God’s amazing grace.


Priscilla Lasmarias Kelso

Silver Celebration

December 2, 2007

Image of silver kiddush cup is from the Judaica Mall website.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Prayers of the People - November 25 - December 1, 2007


Thanks and Praise

"Words alone can't fully express our gratitude to you and to the Lord for all the delights of our recent Poetry Night. The poems - many of them your own creations - the presents, the laughter, the sumptuous food, the singing, the hospitality, and other expressions of love, were all such precious gifts, as you yourselves are to us. Our cup runneth over!"
Love in Christ, Bart and Priscilla

Autumn's vivid colors are still with us! Praise the Lord who made "all things bright and beautiful," and let's get outdoors to revel in Creation's stunning colors while we can.

Needs and Concerns

Pray for all those who are separated from loved ones at this time due to war, hospitalization, imprisonment or financial hardship, that they may be comforted by God through someone's act or word of caring.

On November 15, Cyclone Sidr hit southern Bangladesh with a high tidal surge and winds of 155 miles per hour. How many thousands are dead, homeless, or missing is still not known, but Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is on the scene, working with Action by Churches Together (ACT). Pray for these ministries, and for all who need relief and hope.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


will be held today after Sunday School, to celebrate JOAN SHEPPARD's life and to dedicate a garden bench in her memory. We will gather in the churchyard at 12:30.

"THINKING OF YOUR KINDNESS, and sending you many thanks: Hello, Everyone. I just wanted to take a minute and say Thanks to all of you for your support, prayers and presence at my first sermon on the 28th [of October]. Many Blessings to you all!!!" - text of an eCard from our Intern Rachel Freeman

PHOTOS OF FALL RETREAT: Last September, our church held a retreat on "The Seasons of Our Lives," at Toah Nipi in New Hampshire. Pictures of that gathering are on the bulletin board in the side room.

WANTED: Old photos and memorabilia of our pastor's -- and church's --past 25 years. Items will be displayed at Rev. Kelso's retirement dinner Dec. 2. Beverly will organize the display of these materials for the dinner.

AN APPEAL FROM THE DEACONS: As we have in Christmases past, the Deacons are sponsoring a collection of needed items for the Cambridge Mothers' and Children's Shelter. Please bring any of the following before December 17 and leave them in the side room: twin mattress covers, bassinette and crib sheets, bath towels, paper towels and baby products.

CAN YOU HELP? After the 3:00 p.m. "Silver Celebration" service honoring the Kelsos on December 2, there will be a cookie and punch reception in the side room for those attending. Please contact Beverly (jbshank@rcn.com or 781-861-8015) if you can bake or serve.

Image of children in Cambodia thanking God is from the webpage describing outreach to orphans at Warm Blankets.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Prayers of the People - November 18 - 24, 2007

Thanks and Praise

"Words alone can't fully express our gratitude to you and to the Lord for all the delights of our recent Poetry Night. The poems - many of them your own creations - the presents, the laughter, the sumptuous food, the singing, the hospitality, and other expressions of love, were all such precious gifts, as you yourselves are to us. Our cup runneth over!"
Love in Christ, Bart and Priscilla

Todd Billings was duly ordained last Sunday as a Minister of Word and Sacrament, in Holland, Michigan. Pastor Bart was honored to preach for the occasion. Todd continues to serve as Associate Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Seminary, a school of the Reformed Church in America. Ask the Lord to use Todd for his glory.

Autumn's vivid colors are still with us! Praise the Lord who made "all things bright and beautiful," and let's get outdoors to revel in Creation's stunning colors while we can.

Needs and Concerns

Please pray for Pastor Bart as he preaches and leads worship before the Presbytery of Boston tomorrow night, reflecting on 25 years as a member of that body.

Michael, brother-in-law of Lee, is currently at Youville Hospital for several weeks of rehabilitation. Pray for his healing, for strength to walk again, and for peace of mind for Michael and his wife Gloria.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


PHOTOS OF FALL RETREAT: Last September, our church held a retreat on "The Seasons of Our Lives," at Toah Nipi in New Hampshire. Pictures of that gathering are on the bulletin board in the side room.

A SERVICE OF THANKS TO GOD will be held here on Thanksgiving Day - Thursday, November 22, at 9:00 a.m. Please mark it on your calendar and plan to be present if you are in town for the holiday. This will be our church's 104th such service since our forbears first gathered for this purpose in 1903. Bring your family and friends, and join us for this special time of gratitude and praise.

WANTED: Old photos and memorabilia of our pastor's -- and church's --past 25 years. Items will be displayed at Rev. Kelso's retirement dinner Dec. 2. Beverly Shank will organize the display of these materials for the dinner.

AN APPEAL FROM THE DEACONS: As we have in Christmases past, the Deacons are sponsoring a collection of needed items for the Cambridge Mothers' and Children's Shelter. Please bring any of the following before December 17 and leave them in the side room: twin mattress covers, bassinette and crib sheets, bath towels, paper towels and baby products.

CAN YOU HELP? After the 3:00 p.m. "Silver Celebration" service honoring the Kelsos on December 2, there will be a cookie and punch reception in the side room for those attending. Please contact Beverly Shank (jbshank@rcn.com or 781-861-8015) if you can bake or serve.

Image of sycamore tree is from Intaglio Fine Arts

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Prayers of the People - October 28 - November 3

Thanks and Praise

Let's thank and praise God for our Ministry interns, Rachel Freeman and Wren Collé. This Sunday, as they preach and lead us in worship, we also say goodbye and thank them for their two years of faithful service to us. We ask the Lord's continued blessing on their lives, and hope to see them again in the future.

We're grateful to God for Emma Jane's return to us. Since her pulmonary embolism on September 28, she has regained strength during a season of rest and rehabilitation. Welcome home, Emma Jane!

Autumn's peak is here at last! Praise the Lord who made "all things bright and beautiful," and let's get outdoors to revel in Creation's stunning colors while we can.

Needs and Concerns

The wildfires that still rage in Southern California have claimed hundreds of homes and businesses. May God protect those who battle the inferno, those giving aid, and those having to evacuate. Lord, have mercy!

The recent bombings in Pakistan and the Philippines killed and wounded hundreds of innocent civilians. May these cruel and cowardly acts only serve to strengthen the resolve of those who labor for justice and peace.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


OUR PREACHER TODAY is Rachel Freeman, who has served our church as a Ministry Intern for the past two years. A member of Jubilee Christian Church in Mattapan, Rachel will complete her M.Div. degree at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary this January, and is currently applying to Ph.D. programs in her home state of Virginia.

THE SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION will be celebrated during worship next Sunday, November 4. Let us take stock of our relationships, and seek reconciliation with anyone from whom we may have become estranged, due to their wrongdoing or ours, that all may come in peace to Christ's table.

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS time begins NEXT SUNDAY, November 4. When you go to bed Saturday night, November 3, be sure to set your clocks and watches BACK one hour.

THE POETRY EVENING is this Saturday, November 3! Look for your invitation to this event in the mail, and please RSVP to Alicia (781 756-3457) by Wednesday.

WANTED: Old photos and memorabilia of our pastor's -- and church's --past 25 years. Items will be displayed at Rev. Kelso's retirement dinner Dec. 2. Beverly will organize the display of these materials for the dinner.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S UPDATE: Thank you for your regular, committed giving; for your hard work at fundraisers, such as the yard sale; for your extra gifts to meet happy, but unexpected, expenses such as
the piano movers. We are on track to meet the budget!

VISITOR'S HANDOUT: New to the church? Learn about our church and the opportunities to get involved by picking up a copy of our handout for visitors, located on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

Image of t-shirt that helps us pray for our Red Sox is from The Red Seat.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Work Party!

Hey you! Come to our work party on Saturday October 20! It starts at 9am and you can come any time until we pack it in, usually around dinner time. Free pizza for you! Bring your work clothes and any tools you have laying around - all skill levels are welcome. This is a great opportunity to mix it up with your neighbors at FUPC, so be ready to learn about someone you may not have had a chance to talk to on Sundays. See you there!

Image of work-intensive pizza courtesy of the Taipei Times

Prayers of the People - October 14 - 20, 2007

Thanks and Praise

Today at 3:00 p.m., the Rev. Jean Southard and the Rev. Rob Mark will be installed as co-pastors of the Waltham Presbyterian Church. The service and reception, at 34 Alder Street (off Moody Street) in Waltham, are open to all. Praise God for this new team ministry.

On September 28, Emma Jane suffered a pulmonary embolism, and was taken to Cambridge City Hospital. After a night in intensive care and a few days of rest, she is now at Neville Center for rehabilitation. Let's thank the Lord for his mercy to Emma Jane and to us, and pray for healing and strength for her.

Friday, October 5, was the 30th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Webster Brower to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. That service took place here in this sanctuary. Let's rejoice in Web's years of faithful service, and pray for him and for Marilyn, now in Illinois, as they seek a new call.

In this new academic year, Priscilla is thankful for ministry opportunities among international scholars. She is attending three conferences this month and will be at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government with Christian campus leaders. This year the graduate and faculty groups at MIT and Harvard are being led by Christian international scholars from Chile, China, Kenya, Uganda, and the Netherlands.

The courage of thousands of Buddhist monks in the streets of Rangoon, Burma, as they protest the harsh policies of their country's military rulers, is an inspiration to all oppressed peoples. Pray for them and for Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's "democracy icon," still under house arrest for speaking out.

Needs and Concerns

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


will be held next Sunday, October 21, at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Wren and her husband Don, at 33 Haskell St., Fitchburg, MA 01420. All are invited; please R.S.V.P. to (978) 400-5185 (home) or wren.colle.04@post.harvard.edu Directions will be made available, and carpooling is encouraged, as parking is limited.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S UPDATE: Thank you for your regular, committed giving; for your hard work at fundraisers, such as the yard sale; for your extra gifts to meet happy, but unexpected, expenses such as the piano movers. We are on track to meet the budget!

VISITOR'S HANDOUT: New to the church? Learn about our church and the opportunities to get involved by picking up a copy of our handout for visitors, located on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

POETRY READING -- We invite you to share in an evening of friendship, laughter, poetry, song, good food, small gifts, lovely words and the Word: everything that Bart and Priscilla Kelso, our guests of honor, will enjoy. It's a poetry reading and more! --- Saturday, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. --- Home of Alicia and Hall, 5 Ravenscroft Rd., Winchester.

WANTED: Old photos and memorabilia of our pastor's -- and church's --past 25 years. Items will be displayed at Rev. Kelso's retirement dinner Dec. 2. Beverly will organize the display of these materials for the dinner.

Image of old Harvard shield is from the Harvard GSAS Christian Fellowship's website - if it looks different to you, listen to Rev. Kelso's sermon this week for more information!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Small Group at Trembly's - rescheduled

Please note that the small group held at the Trembly's home has been rescheduled (just for this week) to 7 p.m. Monday Oct. 8.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Prayers of the People - September 23 - 29, 2007

Thanks and Praise

Our retreat at Toah Nipi next weekend offers a respite from our usual routines and concerns, and a time to seek and enjoy God in the beauty of his creation. Pray for those who are leading this retreat, and for all who are coming. Are you one of them?

We were blessed to have one of our missionaries, Jason Carpenter, with us last Sunday. Jason and his wife Linda have finished their teaching work in the Nuba Mountain region of Sudan, and are starting in a new assignment in Uganda, East Africa. The Carpenters generously gave to our church all the household goods they had stored here in the U.S., to be sold to benefit our Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School. Please pray for them and their 3 children as they follow Christ into this new field of service.

During the summer our church received the unexpected gift of a gently-used baby grand piano, now in our sanctuary. Since then, the moving expenses - also unexpected - of $1,000 have been met, thanks to the contributions of several people. We praise God for all these good gifts.

Needs and Concerns

Matt's mother, Eleanor, died September 10 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a long illness. May Matt and Marge and their family be comforted by their hope in Christ.

Several pastors and other clergy in our Presbytery have experienced the death of one or more family members in recent months: Rev. Rod MacDonald, Rev. Wayne Parrish, Rev. Sally Newhall, Rev. Rodney Petersen, Rev. Jean Southard, Rev. Karl Gustafson, Rev. Kevin Ford. Please pray for them as they grieve, entrusting their loved ones to the Lord.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


OUR CHURCH FAMILY RETREAT is coming up next weekend! We have the weekend of September 28-30 reserved at beautiful Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. With the dazzling autumn foliage as a backdrop, we'll be asking God to teach us about "seasons" in our own lives, and how we might cooperate with him in those seasons of growth, stability, dryness, discovery, and more. Our speaker will be Scott Walker of the Threshold Project in Jamaica Plain. Childcare will be provided. Please take one of the information sheets on the back table, and sign the poster in the hallway. We hope to have 20 to 25 people going.

THINKING OF MEMBERSHIP? Pastor Bart plans to begin a four-to-five-week Inquirers Class on Sunday, October 7, for those considering joining this church. Please speak to him to an Elder if you're interested.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

Photo of Toah Nipi taken from a happy retreater's page at Flickr

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grand Sweep Readings for Sept 17 - 23

Pastor Bart has been leading our church through a "Grand Sweep" of the Bible, as we read God's holy word, in order, from Genesis through Revelation.

Next week's sermon will be on Revelation. Please spend some time reading and reflecting on this book during the week, in preparation for next Sunday.

Photo of Arthur Sweeping was nicked from this website.

Announcements for September 17 - 23

Thanks and Praise

We're grateful for the presence of one of our missionaries today. Jason Carpenter is with us, who, with his wife Linda, carries on a teaching ministry in the Nuba Mountain region of Sudan, East Africa. They have been blessed with a third child, Sam Eric, born August 15.

During the summer our church received the unexpected gift of a gently-used baby grand piano, now in our sanctuary. Since then, the moving expenses - also unexpected - of $1,000 have been met, thanks to the contributions of several people. We praise God for all these good gifts.

Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School started the year on Monday with 13 new children. By the end of October, there will be at least 16. Thank God for them all, and for the teachers: Trudie, Michelle, and Marie.

Needs and Concerns

Matt's mother, Eleanor, died September 10 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after a long illness. May Matt and Marge and their family be comforted by their hope in Christ.

Several pastors and other clergy in our Presbytery have experienced the death of one or more family members in recent months: Rev. Rod MacDonald, Rev. Wayne Parrish, Rev. Sally Newhall, Rev. Rodney Petersen, Rev. Jean Southard, Rev. Karl Gustafson. Please pray for them as they grieve, entrusting their loved ones to the Lord.

The deaths of so many thousands of Iraqi civilians: men, women and children, as well as the mounting casualties among U.S. and Iraqi troops, testify to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


is coming up soon! We have the weekend of September 28-30 reserved at beautiful Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. With the dazzling autumn foliage as a backdrop, we'll be asking God to teach us about "seasons" in our own lives, and how we might cooperate with him in those seasons of growth, stability, dryness, discovery, and more. Our speaker will be Scott Walker of the Threshold Project in Jamaica Plain. Childcare will be provided. Please take one of the information sheets on the back table, and sign the poster in the hallway. We hope to have 20 to 25 people going.

THINKING OF MEMBERSHIP? Pastor Bart plans to begin a four-to-five-week Inquirers Class on Sunday, October 7, for those considering joining this church. Please speak to him (or email Pastor@CambridgePres.com), or ask an Elder if you're interested.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

HOMECOMING PICNIC: Please join us for a potluck this Sunday (9/16), starting at noon on the church lawn. This is an excellent opportunity to fellowship with old friends and meet newcomers. A sign-up sheet for food contributions is posted by the front door.

Image of Sudanese woman is from the website of CHF International

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Announcements for September 8 - 16

Thanks and Praise

Little Folks Fellowship starts the year tomorrow with 13 new children. By the end of October, there will be at least 16. Thank God for them all, and for the teachers.

Jason and Linda, missionaries whom we support in Sudan, joyfully announce the August 15 birth of their third child, Sam Eric. Praise God for this new life!

Wren and her husband Don have just moved into a beautiful 1920's house in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Tired, yet relieved, they're grateful to God for their new home.

Needs and Concerns

Louise Gustafson, the mother of Rev. Karl Gustafson, Pastor of Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church in Somerville, died last week in New Mexico. Pray for Karl and his family, as they release her to the Lord.

The deaths of the two veteran firefighters in the West Roxbury fire has been felt throughout that fellowship and beyond. Pray for their families, and for all the brave men and women who serve and protect us in times of danger.

John, our own Cambridge firefighter and longtime member of this church, requests prayer for healing for his 89-year-old Aunt Tillie, hospitalized in Fort Pierce, Florida with multiple fractures due to a fall. John, her only relative, also seeks the Lord's wisdom for next-of-kin medical decisions.

The deaths of over 500 innocent civilians in Northern Iraq bear witness to the evils of this war, and to the urgent need for measures beyond military might: negotiation, protest, and above all, fervent prayer.


OUR CHURCH FAMILY RETREAT is coming up soon! We have the weekend of September 28-30 reserved at beautiful Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. With the dazzling autumn foliage as a backdrop, we'll be asking God to teach us about "seasons" in our own lives, and how we might cooperate with him in those seasons of growth, stability, dryness, discovery, and more. Our speaker will be Scott Walker of the Threshold Project in Jamaica Plain. Childcare will be provided. Please take one of the information sheets on the back table, and sign the poster in the hallway. We must have 20 to 25 people for this retreat to go forward.

CALLING ALL VOICES! If you enjoy praising God in song, please join our Music Director, Felicia Brady, and others for the first CHOIR REHEARSAL this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. here at the church.

YOUR NAME IS . . . ? As we begin a new school year, and welcome visitors, it will help us to get better acquainted if we wear our nametags. Please pick yours up (or make a new one) at the door. Thanks!

HOMECOMING PICNIC: Please join us for a potluck next Sunday, Sept. 16, starting at noon on the church lawn. This is an excellent opportunity to fellowship with old friends and meet newcomers. A sign-up sheet for food contributions is posted by the front door.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S UPDATE: We were blessed with a donation of a baby grand piano this summer. For $1000, piano movers brought the piano into our sanctuary, moved the previous sanctuary piano downstairs, and disposed of the basement upright piano. This was not
a budgeted item. The congregation has contributed $785 toward this welcome but unexpected expense. Let's close the gap. If you can contribute to the expense of the piano, above your regular giving, please write a check to the church, and write "Piano movers" on the memo line.

Photo of the 1909 Orange County Lutheran Church Picnic is from http://content.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt9v19p87b/

Friday, September 7, 2007

Grand Sweep Readings for Sept 9 - 16

Pastor Bart has been leading our church through a "Grand Sweep" of the Bible, as we read God's holy word, in order, from Genesis through Revelations.

Next week's sermon will be on 1 Peter through Jude. Please spend some time reading and reflecting on these chapters during the week, in preparation for next Sunday.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yard Sale!

Bring your cash and get ready to browse!

This Saturday September 8, from 8am until 1pm, there will be a gigantic YARD SALE in the front yard of First United Presbyterian Church, 1418 Cambridge Street!

The proceeds will support the church's Little Folks Fellowship nursery school, which is an affordable and loving service the church provides to the community for 35 years.

Even if you don't need to buy anything, feel free to drop in and greet our neighbors from in and around Inman Square.

See you there!

Plus, mark your calendars for the FUPC's first Craft Fair, which will take place in the FUPC front yard on September 22 from 9am - 3pm (rain date is September 29).

This extravaganza of local artists' work will feature hand-painted shoes, funky onesies for baby, stained-glass jewelry, crocheted skirts and handbags, clothing for young girls, handmade notecards and stationary, handpainted murals, and more!
Macrame owls may not actually make the cut, however (sorry).

There will also be a silent auction to benefit Little Folks Fellowship (see above).

Spruce up your home, help out the church's nursery school,
and support local artists all in one visit!

For more information, please contact Mara at MaraBradfordDesigns@gmail.com

Monday, July 2, 2007

Prayers of the People - July 1 - 7, 2007

Thanks and Praise

As we celebrate with thanks the 231st anniversary of American independence this Wednesday, July 4, let us pray that our leaders and all citizens of this nation would seek a deeper dependence on God, whose bounty has been showered on us, and whose mercy alone sustains us.

Our Little Folks Fellowship Nursery School completed the year with a circus performance and party for the families. Six children were graduated to kindergarten, and 18 are enrolled for September. Praise God for them, the LFF Board, and the devoted staff: Trudi, Michelle, and Marie.

Priscilla is thankful for the gathering of hundreds of alumni of Silliman University, where she studied, taught, and came to faith. She is in Toronto to meet the new President, and her former students and colleagues. A Presbyterian school founded in 1901, Silliman University is a leader in higher education in the Philippines.

Needs and Concerns

Let's pray for both Wayne and Carole, former members of this church. Wayne, our Presbytery Executive, has lost both his parents within the past six months. Carole is now in Phoenix, Arizona, with her mother, who seems to be dying. May God grant strength and the peace of Christ to this family.

Ellen, a good friend and colleague of Margaret, has only recently retired, and is undergoing tests for a mass near her pancreas. Please pray that the diagnosis will be favorable, that Ellen will be healed, and that she and her family will experience God's nearness throughout this

Hundreds of people in Texas, Oklahoma, and California lost their homes and their livelihoods last week to the ravages of flood or fire. Some also lost their loved ones. Pray for these survivors, and for those who have come to their aid.

Let's pray for all those who are separated from their loved ones by war, imprisonment, or economic hardship. Pray, too, for those who are missing, and those who wait for them. Lord, have mercy.

As armed conflicts rage in Lebanon and in the Palestinian Territories, pray that just proposals and diplomatic efforts, prompted by the Holy Spirit, will be offered and accepted as alternatives to aggression.


for the next few weeks, and will return to work on Monday, July 30. During this time, e-mail messages will not be checked. But phone messages will be checked daily by an Elder.

COPIES OF OUR CHURCH'S ANNUAL REPORT are available on the back table. Please pick one up and carefully read it.

TIMELY ARRIVAL on Sunday morning, before worship begins, is a matter of care and respect: for our visitors (who always arrive early), for those leading worship, for the Lord, and for yourself. The pastor and Elders are committed to starting the service promptly at 10:00
a.m. Your cooperative effort will be noted and greatly appreciated.

FINANCIAL SECRETARY'S UPDATE: Your contributions support our missionaries, pay the salaries of church employees, and maintain the building. As of May, there is an 11% shortfall toward our budget. June is the last month of our church's fiscal year. Please give generously, in order to provide the financial resources to accomplish our church's mission.

Offering Target Surplus/(Deficit) % of Budget
May, 2007 9,353 12,000 (2,647) 78%
Year-to-Date 118,149 132,000 (13,851) 89%

Our guest preachers for the next several weeks will continue to lead us through the "grand sweep" of the Bible. Please read ahead to prepare yourself for their messages from God's Word.

For Sunday Please Read Preacher

July 8 Mark 10 - Luke 11 Virginia Coakley

July 15 Luke 12 - John 5 Sam Houston

July 22 John 6 - 21 Wren Collé

July 29 Acts 1 - 18 (To Be Announced)

Image of the Breckenridge Broom Brigade is from http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~livcomo/images/brigade.html

Image of Revolutionary War battle flag is from this excellent Library of Congress site entitled "Religion and the American Revolution". Go! and read! Happy 4th!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pray for Peace

I just added a new link to the list at the top of the blog: a list of ongoing conflicts at Wikipedia. It is overwhelming, of course, but it could be a tool for prayer. Please take a look sometime, pray for peace, and know that God is in control.

Image of peace in Sierra Leone is from http://myhero.com/myhero/hero.asp?hero=andrewgreene

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Grand Sweep Readings for June 17

Pastor Bart has been leading our church through a "Grand Sweep" of the Bible, as we read God's holy word, in order, from Genesis through Revelations.

Next week's sermon will be on Zephaniah through Malachi. Please spend some time reading and reflecting on these chapters during the week, in preparation for next Sunday.

Prayers of the People - June 10 - 16, 2007

Thanks and Praise

Kelly and Sara, and their children, John, Allison, and Will
, are safely settled in their "new home with a yard with grass to play in!" in Naperville, Illinois. Ask the Lord to bless their lives there, especially their search for a new church home (a picture is posted in the side room).

The 2007 Walk for Hunger on May 6 drew more than 43,000 participants, and raised in excess of $3.3 million to help feed families and individuals in need, through grants to 400 state-wide emergency food programs. Thank God for giving people generous hearts and strong legs!

Needs and Concerns

Rev. Wayne Parrish
, a former member of this church, now our Presbytery's Executive, flew to Richmond, Virginia last week because of the unexpected death of his father. It's an especially heavy loss in view of the death of Wayne's mother less than six months ago. Pray that he will be able to grieve, yet cling to his hope in Jesus Christ.

Rev. Aaron Hicks, a former Intern here, now working with internationals in Granada, Spain, sent us an urgent request for prayer last Thursday. His mother had just phoned to say that his father was being rushed to the hospital due to a heart attack. Rev. James Hicks recovered from a previous one 3 years ago. Pray that he will again be stabilized, strengthened and healed.

Let's pray for all those who are separated from their loved ones by war, imprisonment, or economic hardship. Pray, too, for those who are missing, and those who wait for them. Lord, have mercy.

As our nation's leaders debate the course of the war in Iraq, may they humbly ask God to grant them insight, moral courage, and a genuine desire for a non-partisan, peaceful solution to the conflict there and here at home.


The Spirit and Truth Dance Ministry of Jubilee Christian Church in Mattapan, under the direction of Sumaya White. We're grateful for their joy and discipline as they lead us in worshiping God through beautiful movement and sound.

LOOKING FOR WORK? Employment opportunities for qualified people are available with the City of Cambridge, in several departments. See the list which is posted in the side room. Tell your friends.

THE "COMPANIONS IN CHRIST" group will meet here at the church at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19. The last gathering, possibly on Tuesday, July 3, has yet to be confirmed.

TEENS: THINKING ABOUT A SUMMER JOB? You can grow in your faith, help others do the same, and earn $150 a week as a counselor at CAMP WILMOT, our Presbyterian camp in New Hampshire. Contact Jlene Root at 603-594-0224.

COPIES OF OUR CHURCH'S ANNUAL REPORT are available on the back table. Please pick one up and carefully read it.


Image of "Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases" is from the Micah Challenge site

Monday, June 4, 2007

Grand Sweep Readings for June 10, 2007

Pastor Bart has been leading our church through a "Grand Sweep" of the Bible, as we read God's holy word, in order, from Genesis through Revelations.

Next week's sermon will be on Amos 7 - Habakkuk 3. Please spend some time reading and reflecting on these chapters during the week, in preparation for next Sunday.

Image of the broom vendor is from

Prayers of the People - June 3 through 9, 2007

Alicia's grandmother, Mary, who suffers from Alzheimers disease, is waiting to relocate from a rehabilitation facility to a nursing home in New Canaan, Connecticut. Please pray that she will continue receiving good care before, during and after her move. Pray, too, for peace of mind for her and all her family.

Let's pray for all those who are separated from their loved ones by war, imprisonment, or economic hardship. Pray, too, for those who are missing, and those who wait for them. Lord, have mercy.

As our nation's leaders debate the course of the war in Iraq, may they humbly ask God to grant them insight, moral courage, and a genuine desire for a non-partisan, peaceful solution to the conflict there and here at home.

"Then shall the young women rejoice in the dance," prophesied Jeremiah (Jer. 31:13). And so they shall - next Sunday! Five young women from Jubilee Christian Church in Mattapan, friends of Rachel, will be with us next Sunday, June 10, to worship the Lord through liturgical dance. Let us welcome them warmly and be led into a new and deeper kind of worship.

Teens: thinking about a summer job? You can grow in your faith, help others do the same, and earn $150 a week as a counselor at Camp Wilmot, our Presbyterian camp in New Hampshire. Contact Jolene Root at 603-594-0224.

Image of the prophet Amos from http://home.iprimus.com.au/xenos/prophetamos.html