Be sure to mark your calendars for the upcoming Presbytery Day, "Many Voices, One Body: Multicultural Opportunities & Challenges in Our Churches," on Saturday, October 25, 9am-3 pm, at The Presbyterian Church in Needham.
Many Voices - One Body
Multicultural opportunities & challenges
in our churches
Boston Presbytery Day 2008
Saturday, October 25
9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
The Presbyterian Church in Needham
Registration: $10.00
Ours is a faith of immigrants, ever since God’s call to Abraham and Sarah
Is your church hoping to begin a welcoming ministry with newcomers to the area?
Are you wondering how best to respond the legal, physical and spiritual needs of immigrants?
Are you experienced in multicultural ministry and eager to share with others?
Come to Presbytery Day ’08 for:
Stimulating worship with Rev. David Malone and Rev. Young Ghil Lee
Keynote and Q&A with David Malone
(former pastor, Eliot Presbyterian Church, Lowell amazing multicultural congregation)
Informative workshops:
Focus on multicultural ministry in the congregation (Robert & Peg Ferguson)
Legal and technical issues in immigration (Ruth Bersin, Director of Refugee
Immigration Ministry RIM)
Discussion with David Malone
Family relationships (Presbyterian Women)
Exchanging stories (Alice Hageman)
Immigration Task Force ( TBD )
...and a delicious multi-ethnic lunch!
Free will offering to support RIM